What Is Assurance That My Data Is Safe In Cloud?

Hundred percent data security is a fairy hypothetical concept and all security measures aim at achieving utmost security to protect information in terms of mission critical data.

Cloud storage is one of the most easily and conveniently accessible modes of data storage. One can ensure enhanced security measures by adopting certain strategies that will help continuity of operations without affecting ease of access to the business critical data. It would be unwise to discard such a wonderful means of storage by being victim of negative publicity about safety of cloud data storage.

Two factor authentication systems for all your cloud accounts. Frequently changing passwords can also help to great extent. Adopt smart methods of password selection to immunize your accounts against infringement by hackers. Devices and apps that are connected to your cloud storage should be reviewed periodically and removed if some these are not being used anymore. Implement two factor authentications for the apps too.

There are many cloud storage providers that implement flawless SLA or privacy policies in letter and spirit. One must take a critical look into the privacy encryption procedures. It is strongly recommended to design your own policy in terms of what type of data you are going to store in cloud and what are the backup procedures. In no way you should violate any terms of use mentioned in SLA.

Some service providers offer periodic backup of data with snapshots to enable you to move back in time to trace specific data. It is also prudent to keep your eggs in multiple baskets by availing services of different vendors. It always pays to associate with a reliable service provider that is known to attach great significance to data security and encryption procedures.

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