What is Public Cloud Hosting?

The public cloud hosting refers to a type of cloud hosting where the service provider will offer resources like storage and applications for the general public across the Internet. Public cloud hosting may be either free or cost or chargeable where the vendor will charge users according to a pay-as-you-go model of payment. This means that client enterprises will only pay for the resources that they use and nothing in addition. With public cloud hosting, clients can enjoy many significant advantages.

To start with, public cloud hosting allows businesses to respond to sudden traffic surges by making sure that they get resources whenever there are demands for them. Public cloud hosting helps businesses to achieve economies of scale. This is because clients do not have to pay for the expensive hardware for data storage; nor do they have to look after the maintenance and management of this hardware.

Public cloud hosting is utility style costing because most vendors follow the pay-as-you-use model where clients will only pay for resources which they are using. This ensures least wastage of resources and accessibility to resources whenever there are needs for these. The public cloud hosting model is also resilient because in case a single server crashes, cloud services remain unaffected in remaining components. The clouds continue to get resources from many data centers, which means that even in situations where one data center completely goes offline, individual cloud services functions are not interrupted. Public cloud hosting also ensures that resources remain available to the people no matter where they may be located. This feature is very useful because it provides remote access to the IT infrastructure that enables online file collaborations from various locations.

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