What is CDN hosting in India?

CDN stands for Content Deliver Network or Content Distribution Network that allows businesses of all shapes and sizes to deliver large content along with media files in the expeditious manner.  To put simply, CDN reduces the latency time that often causes image jitters by speeding up the files delivery process. CDN is a cluster of web servers located in multiple data centers in geographically dispersed locations. The number of severs may differ in a CDN architecture. A server that is in proximity with the user’s location sends the requested files to the end-user.  It accomplishes this by storing copies of media files and highly-searched data at numerous point of presence (POPs) in addition to the global network to ascertain fastest content delivery.

In this competitive economic landscape, it is imperative to balance user’s experience with offered business’s product and services. A web page taking longer time to upload can leave a bad impression on users, turning them to search for another site. The robust CDN technology offers fail-safe protection to keep your website up during partial Internet breakdowns.

Checkout some of the key characteristics of CDN hosting:

  •    Swiftly accommodates  large number of  requests made by visitors  
  •     Ensures expeditious multimedia d streaming process
  •     Improves page uploading and downloading speed
  •     Provides swift support for video on-demand

Availing CDN hosting solutions help companies to improve their website performance and data transfer speed. However, it is recommended to select CDN hosting services from a reliable provider for long-term gains and success.

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